
Leaded projects

2024-2027 AGRITECH EU

2024-2027 AGRITECH EU

DIGITAL AGRICULTURE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ARM-TEP197 research group of the University of Almería is pleased to introduce its collaboration in the AGRITECH EU project, that aims to develop a European catalogue of advanced educational modules ...


Andalucía Agrotech Digital Innovation Hub Andalucía Agrotech DIH was established in 2016 under the impulse and leadership of the Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development. Since its inception Agrotech h...
2022 - 2025: COMMIT4.0EB

2022 - 2025: COMMIT4.0EB

COntrol and ManageMent systems using Information and communications Technologies FOR ZERO Energy Buildings. This project proposes the development of advanced controllers for the three levels listed in the previously that will be validated...
2022 - 2024: Ntech4Build

2022 - 2024: Ntech4Build

New Technologies for Enhancing Energy Efficency in Buildings. This project proposed the application of new digital technologies to reduce buildings energy consumption and, thus, drive their carbon footprint towards zero. Such a digital transition...
2021 - 2023 GO Inverconec

2021 - 2023 GO Inverconec

El grupo de Automática, Robótica y Mecatrónica de la Universidad de Almería participa en el Proyecto de Grupo Operativo "INVERCONEC", cuyo objetivo es desarrollar una herramienta digital que permita la gestión integral de la producción bajo ...


Solving Water Issues for CSP Plants
2019: ERANET

2019: ERANET

Microgrids for solar self-supply of isolated production environments
2018: Interactive Books IEEE

2018: Interactive Books IEEE

Interactive books for control education
2018-2020: IoF2020

2018-2020: IoF2020

The IoF2020 project is dedicated to accelerate adoption of IoT for securing sufficient, safe and healthy food and to strengthen competitiveness of farming and food chains in Europe. It will consolidate Europe’s leading position in the global IoT industry by fostering a symbiotic ecosystem of farmers, food industry, technology providers and research institutes .
2018-2020: CHROMAE

2018-2020: CHROMAE

Control and optimal management of heterogeneous resources in agroindustrial production districts integrating renewable energies DPI2017-85007-R Nowadays there is a growing concern over overexploitation of non-renewable energy and materials...
2018-2020: CALRESI: Large-scale microalgae production

2018-2020: CALRESI: Large-scale microalgae production

CALRESI: Modeling and control of the combined process of microalgae production and waste water treatment with industrial reactors


Control and optimization for the biomass production from microalgae as renewable energy source
2015: Iberdrola OPTICONES

2015: Iberdrola OPTICONES

OPTImización multiobjetivo de sistemas de climatización e iluminación para el CONfort en Edificación Sostenible.


Control and energy management strategies in production environments with support of renewable energy
2014: 3DLAB

2014: 3DLAB

3D Digital Perception and Reconstruction Research Laboratory (3DLAB). For obtaining, processing, analysis and exploitation of georeferenced 3D information of high precision and density. Scientific-Technological Infrastructure Project 2012-2013. Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness – European Regional Development Fund. UNAM13-1E-1991. Responsibles: Manuel Berenguel (TEP197), Fernando Aguilar (RNM-368), 01/2013-12/2015. The laboratory is officially constituted as a drone operator.


Modeling, simulation, control and optimization of photobioreactors
2012: Actuadores de impedancia variable

2012: Actuadores de impedancia variable

Analysis, Development and Application of Variable Impedance Actuators for Service Robots
2011: Simulation and Control of Solar Thermal Installations with Parabolic Troughs in Industrial and Refrigeration Applications

2011: Simulation and Control of Solar Thermal Installations with Parabolic Troughs in Industrial and Refrigeration Applications

Simulation and Control of Solar Thermal Installations with Parabolic Troughs in Industrial and Refrigeration Applications
2011: POWER

2011: POWER

Predictive COntrol techniques for efficient management of reneWable Energy micro-gRids DPI2010-21589-C05-04 Coordinated project lead by Universidad de Sevilla This project deals with the analysis, study and application of modeling, control...


Hybridization of Renewable Technologies in a Power Generation Plant (HIBIOSOLEO)
2011: ControlCrop - Controlling the growth of crops under glass by optimizing sustainability, economic and energy efficiency criteria

2011: ControlCrop - Controlling the growth of crops under glass by optimizing sustainability, economic and energy efficiency criteria

Control del crecimiento de cultivos bajo invernadero optimizando criterios de sostenibilidad, económicos y de eficiencia energética P10-TEP-6174, project framework, supported by the Andalusian Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science This p...
2010: Non-linear control strategies with delay compensation in solar power plants

2010: Non-linear control strategies with delay compensation in solar power plants

Bilateral project between Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC, Brazil) and Universidad de Almería (UAL). Within the framework of this project, there was a fluent interchange of researchers between the participating institutions: Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC, Brazil) and Universidad de Almería (UAL)5 researchers from UFSC performed stays equivalent to 4,5 years.7 researchers from UAL performed stays equivalent to 3,0 years at UFSC.As a result, more than 20 papers were published in relevant journals.


Integration of Farm Management Information Systems to support real-time management decisions and compliance of management standards
2009: Servicios de Administración Electrónica

2009: Servicios de Administración Electrónica

Electronic Administration Services for students, university staff and companies at the Universities of Almeria, Pablo de Olavide, Cadiz and Huelva
2008: Sistema de apoyo energético solar por compresión mecánica de vapor

2008: Sistema de apoyo energético solar por compresión mecánica de vapor

Development and evaluation of an energy support system based on solar collectors to cover the thermal demand of a mechanical vapour compression desalination system
2006: Solar refrigeration machine with ammonia adsorption on active carbon

2006: Solar refrigeration machine with ammonia adsorption on active carbon

Study of a solar refrigeration machine with ammonia adsorption on active carbon


Bipedal robot with passive walk control techniques
2005: UAL N85_NTIC

2005: UAL N85_NTIC

Influence of the new information and communication technologies (ICT) on the teaching field
2005: CJPROS - Hierarchical predictive control of processes in semi-continuous operation

2005: CJPROS - Hierarchical predictive control of processes in semi-continuous operation

This project deals with the development of concepts and design methodologies of integral control structures  for processes that operate in semi-continuous regime. This kind of processes can be found in systems operating under non-stationary conditions and thus, having an undefined operating point, as is the case of batch processes or those processes whose operating regime suffers from large and continuous changes during the day. The problem is addressed as a whole, analysing interactions between estimation and hierarchical control.
2005-present: MRPT

2005-present: MRPT

Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit  provides developers with portable and well-tested applications  and libraries  covering data structures and algorithms employed in common robotics research areas. It is open...


Data-based analysis of controller behaviour for solar plants under disturbance.
2003: Sistema integrado de diseño mecatrónico

2003: Sistema integrado de diseño mecatrónico

Integrated mechatronic computer-aided design system for the automatic optimization of service robot structures
2003: Automática y Robótica Industrial

2003: Automática y Robótica Industrial

Acciones coordinadas desarrolladas por varios grupos de investigación


This project addresses the problem of applying Predictive Control techniques to industrial processes that cannot be accurately modeled but whose modeling errors or uncertainties are bounded.

2002: Multiprocessor systems: Applications to image and video processing and optimization. SMAPIVO TIC2002-00228

This project deals with the problem of finding efficient solutions for a set of applications requiring intensive computation by using a parallel and/or distributed computing.
2002: Control óptimo de crecimiento de cultivos en invernadero

2002: Control óptimo de crecimiento de cultivos en invernadero

Hierarchical and optimal control of crop growth based on climatic and ferirrigation variables CR-UAL-026 financed by Fundación Cajamar & Universidad de Almería The main objective of this project is the design and implementation (using l...


The project has dealt with the application of Predictive Control techniques to industrial processes operating in a discontinuous regime subject to continuous regime changes throughout the day.
1999: Optimal modeling and control of multi-variable non-linear systems

1999: Optimal modeling and control of multi-variable non-linear systems

Modelado y control óptimo de sistemas no lineales multivariables. Proyecto coordinado con el grupo del Prof. Eduardo F. Camacho de la Universidad de Sevilla.
1999: Creación del grupo ARM

1999: Creación del grupo ARM

Acción especial del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia

1999-2002: Parallel Computing in Multicomputer Distributed and Heteregenous Systems: Image Processing and Global Optimization (TIC99_0361)

Spanish Title: Computación paralela en sistemas multicomputador distribuidos y/o heterogéneos: Procesamiento de imágenes y optimización global (TIC99-0361)

1996: Parallel Computing: Applications (TIC-1259-E)

Computación paralela: Aplicaciones (TIC96-1259-E). Founding entity: Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología. Program: Plan Nacional de I+D. Budget: 12.020,24 €. From 1996/05/01 until 1997/04/09.

1996-1999: Design of Architectures an Parallelizers in Masively Parallel Computing: Dinamic and Spare Matrix Aplications (TIC96-1125-C03-03)

Diseño de arquitecturas y paralelizadores en computación masivamente paralela: Aplicaciones dinámicas y/o basadas en matrices dispersas (TIC96-1125-C03-03).

Participation in projects


SFERA III is a Horizon 2020 project funded under the Research Infrastructure Programme. The consortium is coordinated by CIEMAT-PSA and made by a total of 15 partners from 9 EU member countries. The project runs from January 2019 to December 2022 and will receive a 9,103 M€ EC grant over these 4 years. The overall objective of this project is to carry on with the work done during the past 8 years in the SFERA 1 and SFERA 2 projects and reinforce the sustainability of the activities of the European advanced Concentrating Solar Power research infrastructures. Those activities will include (i) networking activities to further develop the cooperation between the research infrastructures, the scientific community, industries and other stakeholders; (ii) transnational access activities aiming at providing access to all European researchers from both academia and industry to singular scientific and technological solar research infrastructures; and (iii) joint research activities whose sole purpose is to improve the integrated services provided by the infrastructure..
Official website:

2019: INDIA-H20

bIo-mimetic and phyto-techNologies DesIgned for low-cost purficAtion and recycling of water (INDIA-H2O). European Commission (EC) – Grant agreement ID: 820906. H2020-EU.3.5.4. – Enabling the transition towards a green economy and society through eco-innovation. IP. Guillermo Zaragoza. 01/02/2019-31/07/2023.
Official website:

2019: AQVA

Aprovechamiento y uso del agua en contextos de ribera en el Sureste peninsular desde la Prehistoria hasta la Edad Media. Código: UAL18-HUM-C010-A. Convocatoria de ayudas a proyectos I+D+i en el marco del programa operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020. Junta de Andalucía. Universidad de Almería. IP. Juana López Medina. La colaboración del grupo en este proyecto se enmarca en el desarrollo de modelos de predicción de ubicación de yacimientos arqueológicos, trabajo con bases de datos y SIG y apoyo tecnológico.

2018: SmartAgriHubs

Unleashing the innovation potential for the digital transformation of the European Agrifood Sector. SmartAgriHubs is a €20 M EU project under the Horizon 2020 instrument, and brings together a consortium of well over 164 partners in the European agri-food sector. The project aims to realise the digitisation of European agriculture by fostering an agricultural innovation ecosystem dedicated to excellence, sustainability and success.
Official website:


Solar thermal solutions for integration in industrial processes (SOLTERMIN)
(Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Programa RETOS. Convocatoria 2017, ENE2017-83973-R)
The objective of this project is to advance in the development of compact and optimized solutions of the concentrating solar thermal energy technologies suitable for supply heat in industrial processes, because the commercial market for this type of solar thermal application is huge. The study published in 2015 by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) shows that there is a technical potential to provide around 4,17 millions of GWh of solar thermal heat by 2030 (around 10% of industrial energy demand).
Official website:

2018: C3PO

The main objective of DPI2017-86918-R research project (C3PO) is to apply model predictive control (MPC) to Cyber-Physical Systems. The use of this control approach allows predicting the interaction between systems to group the controllers in coalitions according to their couplings for the sake of performance. Therefore, the ultimate goal of C3PO research project is to develop a coalitional control framework that allows optimizing the cooperation in cyber-physical systems in a robust and a scalable manner. More specifically, two case studies from previous European projects are considered: electric vehicle management and irrigation canals.


Sustainable Algae Biorefinery for Agriculture aNd Aquaculture
SABANA project was approbed by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program, under the topic H2020-BG-2016-2017 Blue Growth: Demonstrating an ocean of opportunities
SABANA aims at developing a large-scale integrated microalgae-based biorefinery for the production of biostimulants, biopesticides and feed additives, in addition to biofertilizers and aquafeed, using only marine water and nutrients from wastewaters (sewage, centrate and pig manure). The objective is to achieve a zero-waste process at a demonstration scales up to 5 ha sustainable both environmentally and economically. A Demonstration Centre of this biorefinery will be operated to demonstrate the technology, assess the operating characteristics of the system, evaluate environment impacts and collaborate with potential customers for use.
Official website:

2017: INSHIP- Integrating National Research Agendas on Solar Heat for Industrial Processes

INSHIP- Integrating National Research Agendas on Solar Heat for Industrial Processes. Code: 731287 – H2020-LCE-2016-2017. ARM group collaborates through its members belonging to CIEMAT-Plataforma Solar de Almería. 02/01/2017- 31/12/2020.
Official website:

2016: WASCOP – Water Saving for Solar Concentrated Power

Water Saving for Solar Concentrated Power – WASCOP. Code: 654479 – H2020-LCE-2015 European Commission. ARM group participates through its members belonging to CIEMAT-Plataforma Solar de Almería. 01/01/2016-31/12/2019.
Official website:

2016: Riesgos laborales

Proyecto: Parámetros ambientales que afectan a los trabajadores en invernaderos raspa y amagado. Diseño, construcción y desarrollo de software para dispositivo mecánico de medición. Código 401250. Instituto Andaluz de Riesgos Laborales. IP. Ángel Callejón Ferre. Fecha inicio: 05/04/2016. Fecha fin: 05/04/2017


The main objective of DPI2016-78338-R research project (CONFIGURA) is the development of different model predictive control-based approaches to manage, in an efficient manner, the operation of microgrids, and to deal with the reconfigurability of both microgrids’ components and interconnected microgrids. These control systems should also consider some criteria which include factors affecting the degradation of storage systems in order to improve their durability.


Control and energy management strategies in production environments with support of renewable energy (ENERPRO) – Subproject title: Efficient energy control and management of solar thermal desalination systems (EFFERDESAL)
(Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Plan Estatal. I+D+i 2013-2016 orientada a los retos de la sociedad, DPI2014-56364-C2-2-R)
Due to increasing demand -for energy and water, most countries are promoting the efficient use of these resources to reduce costs and increase sustainability. Generally, energy efficiency is not only associated with technological improvements, but also with the improvement of control and energy management. This is the main framework of this research project ENERPRO, which is a natural evolution of a previous project, POWER, where both UAL and CIEMAT-PSA subprojects focused on heat/cooling and water management.

2016: SFERA-II

This EU-funded research project – SFERA – aims to boost scientific collaboration among the leading European research institutions in solar concentrating systems, offering European research and industry access to the best research and test infrastructures and creating a virtual European laboratory.
Official website:

2014-2020: 2014: RESSQUA – Researchers Square (various editions)

Researchers Square. H2020-EU.1.3.5. H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2014 – Specific support and policy actions. European Commision (Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions).
Official website:


DPI2013-46912-C2-1-R research project (COOPERA) dealt with the control of distributed energy systems that integrate renewable sources and hybrid storage, both stationary and mobile (distributed in hybrid/electric vehicle fleets). The main objectives proposed in this research project were: management and integration of different available energy vectors (energy and hydrogen); development of methodologies for control-oriented modelling of V2G systems; the design and development of control algorithms based on distributed and hierarchical MPC for microgrids with hydrogen storage and V2G systems; implementation of the algorithms in experimental plants and the validation and techno-economical evaluation of the results.
Official website:

2013: Agreement with CIESOL to carry out the project Applications on modeling and control to hybrid solar plants

Convenio con el CIESOL para realizar el proyecto Aplicaciones sobre modelado y control a plantas solares híbridas. Code 2013/5361, CIEMAT. IP Manuel Berenguel. 01/12/2013-31/10/2015..

2013: TEAP

A Traceability and Early warning system for supply chain of Agricultural Product: complementarities between EU and China. Code 612659, 7th European Framework. European Commision. IP Fernando Bienvenido. 01/11/2013-30/09/2017. The main objective of the TEAP project (A Traceability and Early warning system for supply chain of Agricultural Products: Complementarities between EU and China”) is to obtain a better mutual understanding of the state and the possible roadways of agricultural product quality and safety in both the European Union and China, and deepen into the knowledge and the technologies that assure the following ultimate objectives.

2013: Innovative configuration for a fully renewable hybrid CSP plant (HYSOL)

The main goal of the HYSOL project is the study, design, optimization and construction of a pre-industrial demonstrator based on an innovative hybridization configuration of CSP and biogas for a 100% renewable power plant. A pre-industrial scale demonstrator is being set up in an existing CSP plant. The demonstrator is based on an aeroderivative gas turbine (AGT) exhaust gases simulator coupled with a heat recovery system (HRS) (gas-molten salt).
Official website:

2011: New strategies in reset control: Analysis and design tools and applications

Proyecto del Plan Nacional DPI2010-20466-C02-02, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. IP. Alfonso Baños Torrico (Universidad de Murcia). 01/01/2011-31/12/2013. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es conseguir nuevos avances en Control Reseteado.


The (PSE-ARFRISOL) is the Singular Strategic Project on Bioclimatic Architecture and Solar Cooling, which aims to demonstrate that bioclimatic architecture, based on architectural and constructive design and low temperature solar energy are the basic elements suitable for achieving energy efficient building in the future. To this end, five symbolic public office buildings, both new and to be refurbished, built in five locations with different weather conditions (University of Almería, PSA, Madrid, Soria and Asturias) considered as experimental prototypes (or containers – research demonstrators, C-DdI). The main objective of the PSE-ARFRISOL is the adaptation of bioclimatic architecture and solar energy in symbolic public buildings, for thermal conditioning: heating and cooling. In this way, it will be possible to achieve energy savings of 80 to 90% together with a reduction in CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. The ARM group is working on the project through the CIESOL Joint Centre. IP Rosario Heras (CIEMAT).
Official website:

2010: Development of an industrial process for microalgae production as a determining factor for aquaculture

Desarrollo de un proceso industrial de producción de microalgas como factor determinante para la acuicultura. Proyecto de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía P09-AGR-5334. IP María del Carmen Cerón. 03/02/2010-03/02/2013. The ARM group is working on the project in modelling and control tasks.
More info:


HYDROSOL-3D aims at the preparation of a demonstration of a CO2-free hydrogen production and provision process and related technology, using two-step thermochemical water splitting cycles by concentrated solar radiation.
Official website:

2010 ExCite: Enabling SoCial Interaction Through Embodiment
The main objective of ExCITE project is to evaluate user requirements of social interaction that enables embodiment through robotic telepresence. This evaluation is performed in situ, on a PanEuropean scale and with a longitudinal perspective. An existing prototype is deployed to the targeted endusers, and is refined by tightly involving the users in the development cycles of the prototype throughout the project. (More info)
2009: Development of a Mobile Robot with Olfactory Capability
This project addresses the problem of providing a mobile robot with olfaction capability to recognize and estimate odor concentrations in the environment. (More info)
2009: Remote Optimal, Adaptive Control of Mobile Robots with Non-Deterministic Components
This project addresses the remote control of mobile robots in situations where some components of the system are non-deterministic in time or incompletely modeled. These components include the communication network, the robot hardware and the software used in all the parts of the system (operating systems, middleware, applications). The fundamental problem with unpredictable components is to guarantee that all the information flows through the control loop in a timely fashion, guaranteeing to the most the achievement of real-time requirements. (More info)
2009: Master’s and PhD studies, connection between the EHEA and research

Los estudios de Máster y Doctorado, conexión entre el EEES y el de investigación. Proyecto del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Código EA2009-0145. IP Pilar Martínez-Ortigosa. 19/09/2009-31/07/2010.
More info:

2009: Construction of Metric-Topological Visual Maps in Mobile Robotics
Map building is undoubtedly one of the pillars for mobile robot autonomous operation. In practice, since the world is not completely known and/or is dynamic, the mapping process is inevitable coupled to robot localization, and as a result, both problems must be addressed jointly (the SLAM problem). In this project we aim at the construction of maps of large space from visual observations taken by a mobile robot equipped with a stereo rig and also with an omnidirectional camera. (More info)


Analysis and evaluation of the phytosanitary application techniques in greenhouses. Reduction of environmental impact and technical-economic optimization
Proyecto de investigación de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía
The application of phytosanitary products in horticultural crops under greenhouse is currently carried out by equipment and control criteria that give rise to low-efficiency treatments, characterized by significant losses on the soil and the lack of distribution uniformity. The need to practice a respectful agriculture with the environment and with the health, demands a rational use of the phytosanitary ware products. In this sense, the objectives of this project are intended, on the one hand, to characterize, from a technical and agronomic point of view, the most commonly used application equipment in greenhouses (spray guns, self-propelled equipment and fixed fogging installations) in order to optimize their operation allowing greater deposition in the leaves and reducing environmental risks. On the other hand, to develop a tool for practical use that allows calculating application doses based on the amount of vegetation to be treated, determined by means of systems that allow estimating the Leaf Area Index (LAI) and treatment equipment variables (type of nozzles, working pressure, …).

2008: CAPSOL – Parabolic trough solar collector for thermal applications up to 250ºC

The main motivation for this project is to have a solar collector that is capable of covering the existing demand for thermal energy at temperatures below 250ºC, presenting a cost-efficiency ratio that allows its penetration into the market in a competitive manner, and geometric and weight characteristics that facilitate its integration into industrial, commercial and residential areas.

2007: Prediction and evaluation of solar energy resources using artificial intelligence techniques

Predicción y evaluación de recursos energético-solares utilizando técnicas de inteligencia artificial. Código: ENE2007-67849-CO2-02/ALT. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. IP Batlles-Garrido, Francisco Javier. 01/10/2007-30/09/2010.

2007: Reset-based control systems: Applications in delayed systems

Sistemas de control basados en reset: Aplicaciones en sistemas con retardo. Código: DPI2007-66455-C02. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. IP Alfonso Baños (Universidad de Murcia). 01/10/2007-31/08/2010. The aim of the project is to investigate new control techniques to overcome the fundamental limitations of linear controllers, with particular interest in processes subject to delays. The aim is to achieve better control system performance in terms of response speed and stability margins, using control systems that are easy to implement and have suitable robustness characteristics.

2006: COSICOLOGI: Control of complex systems in the logistics and production of goods and servicesWebsite:

2006 CVI-422

Photosynthetic generation of carbon polymers coupled with CO2 removal
Proyecto de investigación de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucía
The greenhouse gas CO2 emissions reduction is a global objective. For this purpose it is necessary to develop technologies that allow the removal of CO2 from industrially generated combustion gases. A technical approach to this problem is the use of photosynthetic microorganisms (the most efficient CO2 fixers on the planet). On these bases, it is intended to develop a technology of transformation of CO2 into biomass and other products carbonized by these microorganisms, in intensive systems of production. Using the cyanobacteria Anabaena sp. (with high values ​​of growth rate, photosynthetic efficiency, atmospheric nitrogen fixation capacity, and an exopolysaccharide generation rate three times higher than that of biomass), the efficiency and suitability of three different outdoor production systems will be evaluated (open ponds, closed tubular photobioreactor and Flat vertical reactor) , one of them of new conception within the project, in order to establish the most appropriate technology. The optimization of the reactor design and the Operating conditions. It must allow high rates of CO2 fixation and product generation. The exopolysaccharides obtained are of interest to the agri-food and / or pharmaceutical industry. In any case, both biomass and exopolysaccharides have considerable heat of combustion, so they can be used as a renewable source of energy to feed systems that employ fossil fuels.

2006: ICON: Industrialised, Integrated, Intelligent ConstructionWebsite:



Rationalization of pesticide application in greenhouse horticultural crops, using an autonomous mobile platform
Nowadays the application of pesticides in horticultural crops, it is performed with equipment and regulation criterion, by mean of which, low efficacy treatments are obtained with high losses to the ground and low uniformity. The necessity to practice a sustainable agriculture with the environment and the health of the workers and users, demands a rational use of pesticides. In this way, the proposed objectives in the current project try, first, to establish tools that allow to calibrate the equipment to perform applications adapted to the characteristics of the canopy, determined by parameters like Tree Row Volume (TRV) and Unit Canopy Row (UCR), and to simulate the effectiveness of an application based on operational parameters (pressure, volume…) by means of the use of Computational Fluids Dynamics methodology (CFD). On the other hand, it also attempts to improve the mobility into the greenhouse of an autonomous platform that provides an optimal pesticide application and achieves it without the presence of workers into the greenhouse enclosure, avoiding the workers to be exposed to pesticides.


Definition, design and development of global crop systems in controlled conditions for the warm intertropical regions
(Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnologia para el Desarrollo IBK-03-304)
The main objective of this project was the adaptation of the traditional Mediterranean greenhouse model to the conditions of warm tropical areas, as well as cultural practices and production management.

HICONPV – High Concentration PV power system. IV EU Framework. Contract n. 502626, 01/01/2004-31/12/2007. Participation of ARM group is through its members belonging to CIEMAT-Plataforma Solar de Almería.
Modelos climáticos Modelos estadísticos de variabilidad y extremos climáticos en la Península Ibérica. Proyecto del Plan Nacional. Código: GL2004-05340-C02-02. IP. Fernando Sánchez-Rodrigo. 13/12/204-12/12/2007.

2004: Robust control of systems with delays: applications in process control and remote operation

Control robusto de sistemas con retardos: aplicaciones en control de procesos y teleoperación. 13/12/2004-12/12/2007. The aim of this coordinated project is to discover tools and solutions to slow down the degradation of control system performance caused by the presence of temporary delays of a variable or uncertain nature.

Evaluación de recursos solares Evaluación de los recursos energéticos solares en zonas de topografía compleja mediante el uso combinado, modelos digitales del terreno, teledetección y redes neuronales artificiales. Proyecto del Plan Nacional. ENE2004-07816-C03-01. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. IP. Francisco Javier Batlles Garrido. 13/12/2004-12/12/2007.

The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the technological feasibility of the use of solar thermal energy for energy supply in different industrial processes with high temperature as the common denominator. The processes studied in this project are basically classified in two groups, industrial production processes and waste treatment processes.
Official website: SolarPRO

2003: CADOX
A coupled advanced oxidation-biological process for recycling of industrial wastewater containing persistent organic contaminants. IV UE Framework. EVK1-CT-2002-00122, 01/02/2003-31/02/2006.
Official website: CADOX

Andasol 50 MWe Eurotrough solar thermal plant with thermal storage in the Marquesado Valley (Granada, Spain). EU DG TREN NNE 560-2001. 01/02/2003-31/01/2008. The ARM group participates through its members belonging to CIEMAT-Plataforma Solar de Almería.
Official website: ANDASOL
2002: Sistemas multiprocesador Sistemas multiprocesador: Aplicación al procesamiento de imágenes, vídeo y optimización. Proyecto del Plan Nacional TIC2002-00228. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. IP Inmaculada García Fernández. 01/12/2002-01/12/2005.

2002: PDVSA
Almacenamiento Térmico y Combustibles Solares. IP Manuel Romero (CIEMAT). 01/07/2002-01/06/2007.. The ARM group participates through its members belonging to CIEMAT-Plataforma Solar de Almería.
Official website: PDVSA


Enhanced Zero Discharge Seawater Desalination Using Hybrid Solar Technology (AQUASOL)
Main AQUASOL project objective was the development of a seawater desalination technology based on multi-effect distillation that substantially could reduce the existing cost of distilled water production with solar thermal energy. The solar distillation system designed and implemented is composed by: i) A multi-effect distillation plant (14 effects, 3 m3/h nominal distillate production); ii) A stationary 500-m2 CPC solar collector field; iii) A thermal storage system based on water (total volume: 24 m3); iv) A Double-Effect (LiBr-H2O) Absorption Heat Pump (DEAHP), and v) A smoke-tube gas boiler.

INDITEP. Integration of DISS technology for electricity production. IV EU Framework, European Commision. Code: DGXII C.N. ENK5-CT-2001-00540. IP Eduardo Zarza. 01/07/2002-30/06/2005.
Official website: INDITEP



Development and and evaluation of new techniques and spraying systems for applying fitosanitary products using autonomous mobile platforms in greenhouse horticultural crops
The tasks involved in the application of fitosanitary products within Southern Spain greenhouses are often carried out using high-pressure hydraulic hand-guns, leading to inefficient treatments in which a great amount of pesticide products are required involving high costs and environmental and health risks. Thus, it is necessary both to develop new techniques and spraying systems to improve product deposition on the crop minimising lost and to use autonomous mobile vehicles or mobile robots allowing the process of fitosanitary products distribution to be performed without human intervention. In this way, the objective of this project is the development and evaluation of a prototype of a self-propelled sprayer able to autonomously move between crop lines. Different configurations of the treatment bar and corresponding operating conditions (pressure, speed, …) will be analysed to select the best one in order to optimise leaf deposition and to minimise lost. Also, different morphologies and displacement systems of the mobile platform will be studied to select the most adequate one taking into account different aspects related to the mobility, speed required by the spraying system, impact on the soil, etc. Algorithms and embedded hardware will be developed to permit the navigation of the platform between crop lines taking into account the requirements imposed by the operating conditions.

2001: Modelos de predicción de clima Predicción estacional del clima de la Península Ibérica a partir de la integración de modelos estadísticos y físicos. Proyecto del Plan Nacional REN2001-3923-C02-02. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. IP Fernando Sánchez-Rodrigo. 28/12/2001-27/12/2004.
2000: Tecnología híbrida en desalación avanzada Tecnología híbrida de desalación avanzada solar-gas basada en colectores solares estáticos. Proyecto del Plan Nacional REN2000-0176-P4-04. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. IP Julián Blanco-Gálvez. 07/11/2001-06/11/2004.
2000: FRENODEL Técnicas frecuenciales en sistemas de control: Efectos de las no-linealidades duras en sistemas electromecánicos. Proyecto del Plan Nacional DPI2000-1218-C04-03. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. IP Javier Aracil Santonja. 28/12/2000-17/12/2004.
2000: FIAPA Desarrollo y difusión de un software para la programación de riegos en cultivos hortícolas en invernadero y suelo enarenado. Fundación para la Investigación Agraria en la Provincia de Almería. Código 2000/27. IP María Dolores Fernández-Fernández. 01/01/2001-31/12/2004.

EUROTROUGH-II. IV EU Framework, European Commision. IP Rafael Osuna. 01/10/2000-01/01/2003.
Official website: EUROTROUGH-II
1999: Computación paralela en biología estructural Computación paralela en biología estructural y nuevos métodos de búsqueda en bases de datos. Proyecto del Plan Nacional 99109. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. IP Inmaculada García Fernández. 01/06/1999-30/06/2000.
1999: Controladores predictivos para PIMES Controladores predictivos multivariables en pequeñas y medianas industrias: diseño e implantación. Proyecto del Plan Nacional IFD97-0836. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. IP Carlos Bordóns Alba. 01/06/1999-31/12/2002.
1999: GRAAL-2 Use of the CESA-1 heliostat field for a Gamma-ray astrophysics experiment. IP Eduardo Fernández Camacho. 17/02/1999-31/12/1999.
1999: SIREC Sistemas termosolares de receptor central. Proyecto del Plan Nacional 1FD97-0957-C01. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. IP Valeriano Ruiz Hernández. 30/09/1999-31/12/2001.


Development of a Low Cost European Parabolic Trough Collector
(Research funded in part by the European commission in the framework of the Non Nuclear Energy Programme JOULE III – JOR3-CT98-0231)
Solar parabolic trough collectors are the key element in the current commercial application of concentrating solar thermal power plants. Although other concentrators promise higher concentration factors and higher system efficiencies, the parabolic trough will continue paving the way for concentrating solar power. Considering this
importance a European consortium has developed the next generation of a parabolic trough collector based on European know-how and the long operating experience of the LUZ collector types LS-2 and LS-3 in the Californian Mojave Desert. Within Phase I of the EUROTrough project an advanced parabolic trough collector has been developed for various applications in the 200-400°C temperature range for solar fields capable of delivering up to hundreds of MW of energy.

1999: Modelado energía Modelación del balance de energía y su escalado en áreas espacialmente heterogéneas de clima semiárido. Proyecto del Plan Nacional CLI98-0912-C02-01. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. IP Lucas Alados-Arboledas. 01/09/1998-01/09/1999.


Computer-Aided Design for the construction of Automated Greenhouses
( 1997_P01841997 PASO-PACE Call (PC-191), included in the E.U. Information Technologies program ESPRIT)
The overall objective of our project is the computer aided design of customized, controlled greenhouses and the development of marketable prototypes. Generating, mainly, a set of marketable greenhouse prototypes related with the agronomic and economic optimums, and a design and modellization tool.

1996: DISS project

DIrect Solar Steam (DISS)
(FP4-NNE-JOULE C – Specific programme for research and technological development, including demonstration in the field of non-nuclear energy, 1994-1998, JOR3950058)
The DISS project is a complete R+TD program aimed at developing a new generation of solar thermal power plants with direct steam generation (DSG) in the absorber tubes of parabolic trough collectors. During the first phase of the project (1996-1998), a life-size test facility was implemented at the Plataforma Solar de Almeria (PSA) to investigate the basic DSG processes tender real solar conditions and evaluate the unanswered technical questions concerning this new technology.

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