Autonomous vehicles and robots
Our group has designed and worked with different robots, as shown next with some examples:
The eCARM autonomous electric car prototype.
Duckie town.
Summit ground robot
Design of robots
The group has experience in designing service robots for different tasks:
Agricultural mobile robots for spraying purposes. Robots for construction. Robots for helping disabled people. Robots for immersive games. Agricultural workstations. and others....
Education in Engineering
The group is strongly involved in education in engineering, mostly in the framework of the design of interactive tools, and virtual and remote laboratories.
The group belongs to UNILabs , a network of online laboratories that allow students to perform...
Energy efficiency and comfort control in buildings
The increasing concern about climate change is leading to the appearance of regulations which intend to reduce both energy consumption and greenhouse gasses emissions.
Modeling and control of photobioreactors
One of the most important research lines of the group is related to Modeling and control of the combined process of microalgae production and wastewater treatment with industrial reactors.
Modeling and control of solar plants
This research line, developed in close collaboration with researchers of Plataforma Solar de Almería , focuses on developing techniques and algorithms for modeling, control and optimization of solar thermal energy systems. Many different control strategies ...
Modeling, control and robotics in agriculture
In the Province of Almería, with favourable
weather conditions and a proper type of low-cost greenhouse, is situated the
largest concentration of greenhouses in the world (>30.000 H.), being one of
the main income sources of our province So, the ...
Vehicle and mechanism dynamics
Our group has experience in developing mathematical models and efficient software implementations to handle:
Vibration analysis
Experimental testbed for the study of vibration modes of mechanical parts.
TFG Mesa de Vibraciones, Eloy Casas Villalba, 2016. (PDF ) PFC: Mesa de Vibraciones, Juan Jose Arevalo Martin, 2011. (PDF) PFC: Estudio de la frecuencia crítica de...